Crown UK&I are delighted to have been awarded a B score in the ‘Management’ band with CDP for the first time, which takes us a band above our C score as ‘Awareness’ for 2020. This demonstrates our co-ordinated action on climate change issues and is a reflection of the ambitious and holistic sustainability strategy implemented across our UK&I brands in 2021.
The Carbon Disclosure Programme (CDP) is a not-for-profit charity operating a disclosure system for companies, cities, investors states and regions to report on their environmental impacts and actions to minimise these. Their Climate Change Survey uses eleven categories to assess the respondent on themes like disclosure, value chain engagement, emission reduction initiatives and targets, and management of environmental risks.
Crown were marked most highly on the categories around business strategy and governance where we demonstrated ‘Leadership’ on climate change issues – the highest score band.
Last year, 18,700 businesses provided a response to CDP and of these only 280 scored ‘A’ for the Climate Change Survey.
“I am extremely proud of Crown’s achievement of receiving a ‘B’ score with CDP for last year. While we have been implementing progressive sustainability measures for over a decade within the Crown Workspace brand – who have reported to CDP since 2015 – we really solidified our strategic approach across our UK&I brands in 2021.
We now have a comprehensive three-pillar responsible business strategy focusing on our environment, our people and our wider community and are excited about making a real impact.”
Stephen Hardie, Regional Managing Director & Regional Finance Director – UKI & Northern Europe
As part of this strategy, following extensive work in 2021 to collate data on our carbon footprint across all UK and Ireland brands, we have committed to a target of net-zero by 2040. We aim to achieve this for our Scope 1 and 2 emissions—relative to a 2019 baseline—with interim goals of a 45% reduction by 2025, and 65% reduction by 2030.
Through reducing our energy consumption through technological and behaviour change and transitioning sites to renewable energy tariffs, we have so far reduced our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 29%.
In recognition of these efforts, we were also awarded a gold EcoVadis rating last year, placing us in the top 2% of companies rated by EcoVadis in our industry.
For businesses and individuals wishing to see our CDP response for 2021, it is publicly available here!