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Legacy Backscanning

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Shift to digital records storage

Across the UK and Ireland, our heritage has been around storing and managing paper. As the push to a more digital age continues, leaving legacy boxes in storage is either costing money in additional real estate or an expense with an external storage provider, which can amount to many thousands across the retention of the data stored.

We estimate that within the UK alone, 200 million boxes of corporate information are stored, not only costing millions of pounds in storage annually, but also adding to the negative impact to our environment.

Legacy records securely scanned & stored digitally

Our legacy back scanning services ensure that every single record either stored with us, with the customer, or another storage provider can be securely transferred to a digital format. This enables those physical records to be destroyed, providing a return of investment in on-going storage costs and benefits in the reduction of time transporting and searching for vital information.

Prior to implementing any scanning programme, a Crown document scanning expert will meet with key stakeholders to ascertain the needs and wants of the business. Following this, Crown may recommend that only a percentage of those records should be scanned based on several reasons, such as activity, remaining retention, or legalities.

This is where we may recommend other options, such as completing a live or ad hoc scanning programme, or if extra discoveries are required to help make that decision, our Business Process Review may be the best option.

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Need to understand how a service could potentially help you, or simply get a quote based on your specific requirements? Contact one of our records management professionals today.