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Secure Paper Shredding Services

Securely shredding your paper records

We may live in a digital age, but paper records are still abundant and aren’t going anywhere soon.

Our destruction services offer compliant and secure shredding services. We understand the importance of confidential data disposal.

At the end of its life-cycle, proper disposal of corporate information is critical to ensure compliance and to protect corporate interests. We deliver simple and effective secure shredding solutions including secure confidential bins to customers and set up collection and bin rotation schedules.

We make it a priority to understand your business and provide detailed recommendations to develop compliant processes and policies for the secure and confidential disposal of corporate information.


Why the Need of Secure Shredding Company

  • Compliance: With legislation regarding information privacy getting stricter, confidential and private information must be properly disposed of by secure shredding to prevent data breaches and face legal consequences.
  • Security: The best practice for disposing of unused or unwanted company vital information is shredding. This is to ensure information don’t end up in the wrong hands, which will lead to identity theft and fraud.
  • Safety: Keeping piles of documents in the office increases the risk of a fire outbreak. There should be constant disposal of these documents by shredding once they are no longer in use.
  • Sustainability: After shredding, the shredded remnants will be recycled and we ensure it does not end up in a landfill, to support companies’ environmental commitments.


Our Workflow in Handling Your Shredded Confidential Documents


process flow of disposing shredded confidential document


Why Pick Us

Crown Records Management Singapore provides the most secure method of shredding and recycling of your classified documents.

From transportation to the destruction process, strict regulations are being adhered to and only trained authorized personnel are allowed to handle the documents.

Our industrial shredder adopts shredding technology which ensures that all documents are being completely destroyed when the process is completed.

After the document shredding process is completed, a certificate of destruction will be issued to you, the shredded remnants will be packed and sent for recycling.

Get in touch with us to find out more without commitment.

Reduce your liability and carbon footprint with our Hardcopy Destruction Service

All material that is shredded at our state-of-the-art facility is recycled. While this ensures that all private information is disposed of safely, there are several far-reaching environmental benefits. According to industry estimates, every ton (2000 lbs) of recycled paper saves:

  • 17 new trees being harvested for paper production
  • 380 gallons of oil
  • 3 cubic yards of landfill space
  • 4,100 kilowatts of energy
  • and 7,000 gallons of water

This represents 64% energy savings, 58% water savings, and 60 pounds less air pollution vs the same quantity of paper made from virgin wood pulp.

Since 2007, Crown Records Management Singapore has collected more than 47,000 tons of paper and saved approximately of 800,000 trees. The paper collected is then recycled into a wide variety of products.

By partnering with us, a company that provides sustainable and secure shredding services, you get to support the environment and fulfill your corporate social responsibility (CSR) without compromising your confidentiality and security.  All shredded materials are recycled, and a Certificate of Destruction is provided for your audit purposes after they have been securely shredded.

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