Your business metrics in one place
Crown Data Analytics allows you to evaluate and understand your company’s data all in one place. Connect data from different sources within your Crown system and maintain a perfect overview of your company’s performance. Unlock the full power of information in files, documents, or e-mails and get actionable insights from your company’s data resources.
The Benefits
Best-in-class analytics technology
Gather and structure large volumes of data in a fraction of a second
Easily implement data privacy requirements thanks to a sophisticated rights management concept with group and role functions
Integrated data
Integration with the Crown database ensures one-click access without a separate analysis database
Intelligible dashboards
Custom visualisation options for easy to read formats
The underlying technology is based on a high-performance search with sophisticated analytics components that analyse and structure your data in a matter of seconds. This way, you can analyse data in real time and create modern data visualisations. The dashboard interface has been designed with scalability in mind, ensuring that your Crown system has the capacity to handle increasing volumes of documents.
Crown Data Analytics empowers you to respond to questions from colleagues that arise during a meeting or make decisions on the spot. As you are able to modify the parameters, you can give meaning to complex data with just a few clicks, enabling you to monitor key metrics and act quickly when time is of the essence.
Documents and data in Crown are precious assets that need to be sufficiently safeguarded. Crown Analytics ensures that users are only able to draw on data for analysis that they have the permissions for. The Crown rights management system provides numerous options for assigning users or groups to roles to make sure that knowledge is only available to authorised persons.
Create different views of your data in a matter of seconds. This allows you to quickly identify invoices that are overdue or ones where the cash discount is about to expire. Generate a view of the contracts due to expire in the month ahead or see which employees have not received any training for a long time. Thanks to the simple representation in table form, the easy to build dashboard views give you rapid insights into data in files or documents.
Infographics are a necessary tool for collating complex data and statistics into an intelligible visual display. Easily create bar charts, line graphs, or pie charts. Calculate individual performance indicators and use tag clouds to visualize the frequency of keywords. Answer questions like “What was my cash flow in the last 12 months?” with a timeline diagram, or “Which types of contract accounted for the greatest share?” with a bar chart, or “How many visitors did not turn up for the tour?” with a pie chart.
Intelligible dashboards let you get the hang of combining complex options for analysing data. Easily create invoice ledgers, contract management reports, or personnel files using point and click.
Crown Analytics is an integral component of the Crown ECM Suite. Since it integrates seamlessly with Crown, you can open all the contracts within an ongoing contract file straight from a risk analysis dashboard and initiate a contract termination. Crown Analytics is not a separate solution for analysing data, but seamlessly integrates with business processes and your daily work routine.