Through a series of development workshops, extensive market research, and follow up meetings, our Director of Strategy, Senior Leaders, the Executive Board, and our Business Partners have developed our 2027 Records Management strategy.
As we consider our clients and their goals, we can interpret our Group purpose for Crown Records Management in the following way: Making it simpler for our clients to unlock the value in all of their information.
The phrase ‘unlock the value’ is broad, it includes the services we provide today for transporting, storing, retrieving, and scanning physical information, but it also focuses us on managing only the information that has value to an organisation and making it simpler to access it.

So, what are we aiming for as a business?
Today we are seen as a high-quality physical records management company, and we have begun to bring some digitalization and innovative physical solutions to market in many locations.
Looking forward, we are aiming to expand our existing value by extending the support we provide for evaluating and optimizing their information – through digitalization, enhanced physical management solutions and secure destruction of redundant information. This is ‘information optimization’.
We are also navigating and exploring the digital information management opportunities in several markets where we see rapid change and growth. While all the global consulting firms are offering digital transformation support to their clients, and many software solutions are coming to market, we are looking to carve out a strong niche in this market that combines our current physical offering with digital solutions to provide a holistic information management solution for our clients.
How we will succeed

Who will own it?
Our strategy will be executed on two levels:
- Locally – extending proven innovation and best practice across all Records Management markets
- BU wide – embarking on wider group initiatives that support local operations and drive the development of new propositions in the digital space
Leaders in each of our locations will be responsible for implementing best practice, and growing the service portfolio to accelerate their local strategies, providing new opportunities for our people to develop and grow.
A Records Management steering group, consisting of leaders who, working hand in hand and drawing on the expertise and resources of our business partners, will oversee the execution of priority BU initiatives, approved by the board.
To effectively achieve our goals, our business must collaborate closely with our business partners on key areas of development at a group level.
Contact your manager to find out more!

Sustainable Information Management
At Crown we are committed to making the world a better place. We are active members of Business in the Community (BiTC), have signed up to the UN Global Compact, and have attained an EcoVardis Gold Standard sustainability rating.
Crown UK & Ireland have set the ambitious target of net-zero for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2040 (relative to a 2019 baseline), with interim goals of a 45% reduction by 2025, and 65% reduction by 2030. These targets are in line with the Paris Agreement and keeping temperature increases to within 1.5 degrees Celsius.
We have made a commitment to helping our clients with their sustainability programmes too and this starts with looking at how organisation are storing, managing, and accessing information. Our services are designed with this in mind and we deliver thought leadership to challenge the status quo and make companies think about the impact of what they are doing, to the environment.