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Crown Records Management announces partnership with Intuitive BI

Crown Records Management has become the newest Intuitive reseller, adding Intuitive Dashboards to our solution portfolio as a provider of digital and physical records management.

As an Intuitive Reseller, we will work together with Intuitive to provide dashboards that make it easy to visualise data from business process and ECM systems.  The dashboards can help to display visual information from key business applications such as Accounts Payable, Budget Management and HR onboarding.

“We are delighted to add Intuitive to our solutions portfolio. We focus on brining our customers closer to their information so that it works for them and like all the solutions in our portfolio, Intuitive will also be a vital part of Crown’s internal processes. With Intuitive Dashboards, we can present their data from multiple sources, live and in context enabling organisations to make informed decisions, quickly.

Antony Biondi, Head of ECM, Crown Records Management

Intuitive delivers a range of pre-integrated dashboard solutions that work across a range of Process Management Systems. They work with their partners to deliver a complete set of standard dashboard configurations, allowing customers to get up and running straight away with minimal set up time and configuration.

Unlike traditional Business Intelligence tools, which are over complex, Intuitive Dashboards can be installed and set up in hours not weeks, meaning that users can get on with delivering valuable information about their business processes. There is no need to run monthly reports for different users, as the dashboards are all fully automated and personalised with no effort, and the highly visual dashboards identify where you can improve the efficiency of your processes.

We are thrilled that Crown Record Management has become the newest reseller for Intuitive, bringing our value-added dashboards to their customers. The Intuitive dashboards provide extra visibility and effectiveness when managing your business processes. Welcome to the team.”

Roger Stocker, CEO, Intuitive

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About Intuitive

Intuitive is a global provider of Data Visualisation Tools for Application Developers and Software Resellers. Formed by a team of highly experienced entrepreneurs and software developers the aim of Intuitive BI from the outset was to create a different type of BI solution. The team recognised that for Business Intelligence to deliver, companies needed easy to use tools that could be deployed to all employees and beyond organisational boundaries to customers and suppliers.

​Intuitive BI sells exclusively through its network of value-added partners. They work closely with our partners in specific application areas such as Print and Process Management so that data held within their applications can be made more valuable to customers.

Find out more about Intuitive here!

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