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Top 5 Must-Haves for an HR Document Management System

In any working environment, the human resources team manages varied documentation daily. In order to do this effectively and securely a robust management system is required.

A good human resources information document management system (HRIMS) can provide a human resources department with an effective and centralised solution to store, organise and retrieve any documentation securely and at speed.

This article looks to define what a human resources information management system is, the benefits of having a robust system in place and the top five must-haves for any solution.

Written by Michelle Kermath

Michelle is Head of Consultancy & Technical – ECM at Crown Records Management with years of experience in the field of Enterprise Content Management (ECM).

What is a human resources information management system?

A human resources information management system (HRIMS) is a digital solution, which is used to secure, store, manage and track employee files and documents securely within a business.

Along with saving time and protecting businesses from risks relating to document handling and data protection including compliance and security  – HR information management software can aid human resources teams in providing employees with better support.

An HR information management system allows a business to have instant access which in turn equips personnel with secure access to documents and employee information.


Why is a human resources Information management system important for your business efficiency?

Human resources information management systems are important for any business, to ensure all documents are kept securely, within compliance and enable them to move documents using safe and encrypted procedures at speed.

Heightened security in document handling, the ability to store various file types and quick retrieval of information stored in a variety of formats and locations are just some of the benefits a business can expect from an HRIMS.


Top 5 must-haves for an HR document management system (HRIMS)

When considering and researching an HR information management system, one size does not fit all – each organisation will have key needs and requirements within their human resources department.

We’ve developed what we believe are the top five must-haves to consider for any HRIMS:

1. Security

A reliable human resources information management system should offer robust security features that will protect sensitive employee information from unauthorised access. It’s important to look for a system that can encrypt data at all stages of its lifecycle especially when sharing documents internally and externally (in transit) and when stored (at rest).

2. Digital and physical distribution

The ability to share both digital and physical documents securely with employees is crucial when considering an IMS for an HR department. The solution you choose should be able to share digitally signed documents with employees through emails, SMS with unique links and even through an employee self-service portal.  This level of distribution will facilitate organisation-wide collaboration and efficiency.

3. Customisation

When deciding on the appropriate human resources information management system it is important to consider the level of customisation your organisation needs.

At Crown, customisation is a cornerstone of our design philosophy when designing our document management solutions as we have found that it allows our clients to improve efficiency and cut costs. Our document information systems give our clients the ability to customise their systems according to their needs, which in turn, allows for easy tracking and traceability.

4. Reporting capability

Tracking workforce key metrics is an important function of any human resources management system. Make sure you have a clear idea of the reporting required within your organisation.

5. Think Digital First

A human resources information management system should allow for key digital actions including the digital generation of documents, digital signatures, digital announcements and the digitisation of legacy documents.

  • Digital generation: a system that can pre-design templates such as appraisals and generate digital documents in bulk will give any human resources manager time back to focus on other key tasks.
  • Digital signature: the system you choose should be able to encrypt digitally created documents using a digital signature – making these valid and acceptable.
  • Digital announcement: a human resources information management system should enable procedures and renew data privacy contracts with employees using digital authentication.
  • Digitisation of legacy documents: collecting, scanning, coding and uploading legacy hard-copy records should be possible through the human resources document management system you choose.
  • Self-service portal: the system you decide on should provide and secure real-time access to employees to view their documents and information.

Lastly, look for a system that incorporates activity and history logs – these make it easier for GDPR and then to later audit or track modifications, ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations.


Finding the right system for your needs

Any organisation looking to efficiently run its human resources department can benefit from the implementation of information management software. Robust solutions will facilitate the management of internal document processes, guarantee data security as well as provide a platform for improving productivity on the whole.

It’s important to understand your human resources department’s needs and translate this into an HR information management system that fits these requirements. Crown prides itself on being an industry leader in the field of secured document management services. We believe in the power of digital transformation to optimise efficiency and help businesses run efficiently and benefit from cost savings.

Learn more about the human resource document managing systems and guidance we offer at Crown Records Management. Speak to Ben Elliott, our Business Development Manager and learn more about the best solution for your business.

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