Our customer was looking to create a more digital approach within their shared services and HR department to offer better communication and support for their 15,000+ employees.
The current challengers covered everything from accessing information quickly and securely to lots of manual processing, emails, and physical documentation.
Information and documentation were stored in multiple locations with multiple versions meaning obtaining information promptly was a challenge. This caused delays and bottle necks for employees and the HR teams.
While retention policies existed, managing them was a huge, time-consuming task due to the physical nature of their information. HR staff were spending days per month managing this process manually.
All communication was through emails meaning multiple versions, and huge amounts of emails clogging up their mailboxes and again, no control or visibility over any of the HR processes or communication. This includes appraisals, policy and procedure communications and HR admin. Time to answer and follow up queries was days if not weeks due to the uncontrollable nature of multiple emails and multiple people involved.
There is a wider digital initiative across the entire department and beyond, so our customer’s go to market approach was to source a partner that can take a long term view in supporting their digital requirements.
Crown offered multiple services, including Scan on Demand, Content Services, Business Process Reviews, and Workflow Automation. We first worked closely with the team to define their requirements and create a detailed specification to clearly identify the scope of the project and address their requirements. A phased approach was their requirement, so following our detailed review of their current processes and challenges this enabled us to build a defined project plan which highlighted the priorities.
We were also able to highlight the benefits of this approach and where the specific improvement would be made.
Implementation of ECM and Business Process Review services
Following this, we began implementation of our ECM solutions.
Starting with our built in OCR, our client was able to quickly digitise their documents with the support of our scanning bureaux. This exercise was key in teaching our OCR tools so that the client could begin scanning information for on-going work, not just a back scanning exercise. They are managing this themselves.
Phase 1 was to focus on making information of historical and current nature accessible. Setting archive structures and search functionality ensured information was accessible quickly and from multiple platforms.
We applied automatic retention policies and using our O365 integration, our ECM functionality was accessible via UI and systems that users used regularly and not necessarily being asked to use a new UI.
Providing Workflow Automation services
High level workflows were created for automatic distribution of policies and procedures and security structures set to ensure only the right information was being accessed by the right people
Scan on Demand challenges
Crown’s consultative approach ensured a collaborative project plan from the very beginning ensuring a transparent and adaptable process. This meant managing the challenges of scanning documentation through to completion of workflow tasks was pro-active and transparent. Regular project meetings were held to ensure the initial project plan was being followed. Most of the configuration was managed off-site, however all UAT and training was hosted on-site with structured agendas.
Due to configuration issues and change requests following project update sessions, the project did overrun by 3 months. There was no additional charge for this as every project has project creep.
Due to our structured change request process, the customer was well informed of the reasons and was comfortable with these delays.
Assisting with Content Services and Reducing Mailbox Volumes
With all records now stored digitally, quick, easy access and control has been achieved which was their primary objective. Mailbox volumes are now under control due to emails being stored within the ECM tool and HR staff are no longer spending hours managing and setting retention policies as these are now automatic. Employees are now able to request information from HR via e-forms and workflows with fast SLAs in place. This has reduced the amount of telephone queries by 90%, freeing up the HR team to focus on their real jobs.
A key requirement was procuring a solution that can grow within the HR and across the entire business. With our approach and suit of technologies, we are already engaged to address process improvement throughout HR and into Legal and Finance. Additional functionality is currently being scoped out alongside dashboard reporting and mental wellbeing apps.
The project came in on budget.
Due to the nature of our client’s business and general approach, we are unable to share any details including quotes, however, our customers are committed to acting as a reference with any future customers at the appropriate time during our engagement.